Professional Ethics

8 important questions on Professional Ethics

What defines "ethics". What do they provide in professional engineering?

Accepted principles of right and wrong that govern conduct of a profession. Consistent behaviours for members of the profession and protection of public

What is the difference between ethics and morals?

Ethics are defined behaviours and morals are based on personal belief

What is the EGBC Code of ethics?

Ten tenents to ensure public safety and protect profession and that members act with
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What are codes of conduct?

Relate to additional aspects of professional behavior - company specific

What is the ESG approach to corporate citizenship?

Environmental, social and governance as measuring sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company

What are the different types of conflict of interest?

  • Perception of a conflict of interest
  • Potential conflict of interest - could evolve into a full on conflict of interest
  • Conflict of commitment - Other obligations interfering with commitment

What is FIPPA and what is its purpose?

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  1. Freedom of information: make public bodies accountable by providing public with legislated access to records
  2. Protection of Privacy: Protect privacy by prohibiting disclosure of personal info

What do whistleblower policies do?

- Assure informant protection or sanction informant in bad faith

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