Health and Safety - Risk Assessment and Management

8 important questions on Health and Safety - Risk Assessment and Management

What is Risk Tolerance?

Degree to which an owner can adapt to project stress by changing scope once the project has started

What is Risk Assessment? How does is relate to risk management?

Risk assessment is the identification and quantification of risk. It is the first stage in the Risk Management Process.

What questions does Risk Assessment Answer?

What events can occur
How likely are these events
If a harmful event does occur, what is the impact
How can one quantify the risk associated with the likelihood of it occurring and its associated impacts?
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What are the three steps to Risk Assessment?

  1. Identify Hazards
  2. Estimate Risk Level
  3. Apply Risk Assessment Model

How do you estimate Risk Level?

- Assign a probability to a hazard
- Assign the magnitude of impact
- Determine risk level = probability x severity

What is involved in Risk Management?

- Risk Assessment followed by approaches to eliminate, mitigate, monitor and control risk

What are the 4 basic questions involved in Risk Management?

What could go wrong
What will we do to prevent harm from occurring or respond to the event?
Who will do what
How will we pay for it

What are the elements of Risk Management?

- Risk assessment
- Assign responsibilities
- Develop mitigation strategies

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