Health and Safety - Workplace Safety

5 important questions on Health and Safety - Workplace Safety

What Act governs laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety and associated compensation?

Worker's Compensation Act (1902)

Who does the Worker's Compensation Act assign authority to? What does this board operate as?

The Worker's Compensation Board of British Columbia. WorkSafeBC.

What is WorkSafeBC's mandate?

To prevent occupational injury through education
Workplace inspections and investigations
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What is the definition of Workplace Safety? Why have an effective workplace safety program?

Workplace safety involved preventing injury and illness to employees and volunteers in the workplace.
Workplace safety programs minimize injury and illness and reduce costs while avoiding reputational damage

What are the elements of a workplace safety program?

  1. An OHS policy statement of the aims of the program and the responsibilities for health and safety
  2. Regular inspection of premises/machinery
  3. Written instructions for workers
  4. Periodic management meetings to discuss health and safety
  5. Investigation of accidents
  6. Records and statistics
  7. Instruction and supervision of workers

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