Planning and Control in Pull Production

24 important questions on Planning and Control in Pull Production

What is part of the centralized system?

- staff personnel and systems that perform order entry, demand forecasting, rough-cut capacity planning, master production scheduling, and material requirements planning

This part of the PPC system is to accumulate demand information and formulate production plans and schedules

What are the goals of the centralized system?

- to incorporate recent customer orders
- Keep day-to-day production variation to a minimum

What is the role of the decentralized part of the system?

Oblige the production requirements as specified in the MPSs and daily schedules. But departments and workplace does its own scheduling and control with exception of final stage of the process
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What is a drawback of centralized planning, scheduling and control?

Almost impossible to quickly revise plans and schedules to account for all the work and priority changes and interruptions happening everywhere in the plant. By the time information reaches the system information is obsolete

What are the main functions of centralized system?

- monthly planning of MPS (for each product (group)  or end items)
- Daily scheduling of final production
- Materials forecasting and procurement

When will the finalization of daily schedule take place?

Depends on lead times for materials procurement and manufacturing setup

What are Supplier Kanban Systems?

Like pull systems except upstream operations to which orders and empty containers are sent are external suppliers. Small variations can readily be absorbed by supplier kanban system

What is the biggest difference between pull systems and traditional push systems?

In pull systems the functions of detailed planning, scheduling, and control are decentralized. In traditional push systems they are centralized.

How is production capacity flexibility achieved?

Through adjustable work hours, flexible work cell configurations, short changeover times, cross, trained workers, and so on

What is the sole purpose of data collection in the plant for traditional and lean companies?

To provide centralized PPC system with information for accounting and planning

In lean companies also to provide frontline workers with information for scheduling and controlling their work

How is much of the information that workers rely on displayed?

visual management system

Generates and displays information for daily scheduling and control

What are elements of visual management?

- kanban cards
- Containers
- Workplace signals
- information post-its
- andons (Electrische borden) signaling the status of a process
- Posted SORs
- Pokayokes for signaling and preventing defects

What is Flattening the BOM?

Eliminated intermediate levels of the BOM. Once flattened a BOM has only 2 level: End item and low-level parts

Why can cellular manufacturing also lead to flattening of BOMs?

When WIP inventory between stages of the process, BOM structure for it can be flattened. Since the WIP presents an intermediate level of BOM (combination of multiple low-level parts). When production is continuous the materials don't have to be accounted for and therefor isn't a intermediate level

What is an alternative to physically removing the records?

transform them into phantom records:
a  material that never actually goes into storage, but is in a momentary transitional state (component/subassembly) and is en route to the next stage of the process.

When is using phantom records preferred?

When altering basic structure of the BOM/inventory data file is expensive. Or when intermediate items are used for purposes beside end-items production and must be tracked

What is a stock area?

a physical location where material is held for use by an workcenter, workcell, workstation

Where should the stock area be placed?

at the point of use

What is postdeduct/backflushing?

procedure for tracking and updating of inventory and WIP

What is a purchasing kanban/blanket transaction?

Replenishment transaction which might also involve determining the replenishment quantity, adding that quantity to stock are record, and notifying accounts payable

What is a deduct point?

The post deduct procedure occurs everywhere in the process designated as a deduct point. At each deduct point, the inventory records to be updated are specified on a deduct list. As items move past a deduct point, inventory records of items are automatically updated (often by RFID)

What is the downside of superflush?

Inventory balances tend to be less accurate because of time lag. When CTs are small errors will be minimal, when CTs are long can result in significant inaccuracy of inventory

What is daily production rate?

The rate that will be maintained throughout the period MPS covers. Converts MPS into daily time buckets

How is the daily production rate determined?

see table

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