Week two: Chunking

14 important questions on Week two: Chunking

Why is recall effective?

it's the practice that connects the chunks into larger chunks

Highlighting and underlining are not effective, but what is?

putting main ideas in the margin but restricted to one main idea per paragraph

What more is good practice when recalling?

not doing it in the same place you studied the material so it becomes possible to recall material at any given location
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Why is testing a good method?

is shows misstakes in your thinking wich you can repair

Which three in particular?


What happens if your level of dopamine is low?

motivation drops
pleasure drops

What becomes easier when you have more chunks in your brain?

solutions to problems form faster
new concepts are easier to learn

What are two thinking methods to solving problems?

sequential problem solving
holistic (global) problem solving

To what types of thinking do sequential and holistic problem solving equate?

sequential to focused thinking
holistic to diffused thinking

When can overlearning be usefull?

when automatism is required, for example when battling nervousness during a speaking session

What are the drawbacks of overlearning?

does not help with long term memory
repeating the easy stuff gives the illusion of mastery

Balancing is the right way not to overlearn. But what does it mean?

deliberate practice
concentrate on the hard material

What is the English meaning of the word Einstellung?


What people created scientific breakthroughs?

young people
people with multidisciplinarian backgrounds

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