Who are the learners

7 important questions on Who are the learners

External vs internal motivitation

Motivation determines how well they'll do when it comes to homework, participation ect.
More motivatie = more 'serious' approach

Teacher balancing work

Maximises working at every individual level while also helping the whole class engaged
Pull-off: no clear answer. Probably feedback + intuition

What level are my students (common levels in school)

Upper intermediate
Moving "up" takes 45-60 hours
Most classes are mixed level. Every learner has an individual range of levels
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Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
5 key elements

1 Interactions: students communicate in the target language
2 Authentic: Introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation
3 Learning process: Opportunities for learners to focus on learning process.
4 Personal experiences: exchangement of personal experiences as important contribution to learning
5 A link between classroom language learning and language activation outside of the classroom

How to develop Communication competence

Requires interaction among learners using meaningful, contextualised language.
Focus on pair and group work

Learner and teacher roles

Learners have a greater degree of responsibility for their own learning. Essential to active development.
Teacher requires learners to negotiate meaning and interacht meaningfully.
Students must work together and listen to their peers.
Teacher helps students with learning strategies

Neuner exercise typdogy

Reception -> production
Closed -> open
Predictable -> unpredictable use of language (communicative)

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