Article lecture fashion and visual culture

11 important questions on Article lecture fashion and visual culture

Postmodern culture no longer represents, ......

but simulates (iets nadoen)

What is a denotative?

The first meaning of a sign; is the meaning you can look up in the dictionary.

What is a connotation?

Things seldom just have one meaning; most signs have many secondary meanings.
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What is a voyeuristic gaze?

Look at other'' as a woman you look at a man, as a man you look to a woman.

What is a narssistic gaze?

looking at yourself, you always look at yourself through the eyes of others. When we're older we see that ideal image reflected in the eyes of our beloved. We need that ideal image in order to be able to form and sustain our ego. The ego is never finished, it has to be nurtured and shaped time and time again.

What is the Oedipus complex?

The most classic  model for desire is the oedipus complex, which regulates how the child focuses  it's love of the parent onto the other sex and projects feelings of rivalry onto the parent of the same sex

What is the panoptical gaze?

One way of shaping power in our modern culture is by means of surveillance.
Means that a large group of people can be put under constant guard and scrutiny, while they cannot look back. In this way says Focault they are disciplined to behave good. (illusion of security disciplines us to behave good).

What is a iconical relationship?

Similarity between signifier&signified. The portrait (person on the picture) signifier bears a likeness to the one portrayed.

What is a Indexial relationship?

Suggests a factual relationship between signifier and signified. ( facts relation, footprints)

What is a symbolic relationship?

abritrary (niet zuiver) relationship between signifier and signified. (ikea and the dress.

What is the postmodern philosophy?

  • -The end of te grand narratives
  • the end of the traditional subject
  • the blossoming of small narratives.

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