Defining breeding goal and setting up a breeding program

11 important questions on Defining breeding goal and setting up a breeding program

What are the 2 main questions for setting up a breeding program?

1 - Where to go?
2 - How to go there?

What are the 7 steps of setting up a breeding program?

1 - Describe the production system
2 - Formulate breeding goal
3 - Data recording
4 - Breeding value estemation and selection criteria
5 - Selection and mating
6 - Dissemination
7 - Evaluate breeding program 

What charasteristics has a breeding goal?

- The breeding goal often consist of a combination of traits
- The breeding goal should ideally summarize all traits in a single criterion
- The breeding goal contains breeding values
- The breeding goal contains (economic) values to weigh the traits
- The breeding goal should aim at the future
- Breeding goals may contain economic and non-economic weights
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So what is the formula of the breeding goal?

H= A1v1+A2v2+A3v3.. etc

What are the 2 common approaches to define breeding goals?

- To express breeding goals as a weighted sum of economic values and breeding values
- To express the breeding goal as a set of desired gains for each trait

What is a profit equation?

Relates the profit of an animal or farm to phenotypic trait levels (P1) in the breeding goal

What is the profit equation?

Profit= (R1-C1)P1+(R2-C2)P2+(R3-C3)P3...

How can economic values be calculated?

As the difference in margninal revenues and costs either by taking the derivative of a profit equation

What are goal factors?

Weighing factors in breeding goals.

How can breeding goals be expressed?

In terms of economic values, which express the increase in profit due to a single unit improvement of a trait, or a desired genetic gains

What is a breeding program?

The organized structure that is set up in order to realize the desired genetic improvement in the population

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