The structure of breeding programs

14 important questions on The structure of breeding programs

What are the reasons for the difference between the structure of breeding programs?

- Difference in reproduction rate
- Ownership of the males and females

What does a breeding program or - scheme aim to achieve?

Aims to achieve genetic improvement in the breeding objective so that the next generation of animals is better than the current generation

What is crucial in a breeding program?

- Perseverance
- Accuracy
- Discipline of the active breeders
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What is a breeding program with a flat structure?

Nearly all females could potentially particitpate in breeding and in most cases the breed association only has a strong vote in the selection of the males for breeding. In these breeding programs only the selection paths sires to breed sires and sires to breed dams are effective in creating a selection response in the whole population. This type of selection takes place in most breeds of dogs, sheep and horses

What is a breeding program with an open nucleus?

The males are owned by a breeding company or group of breeders and the females are privately owned. In some cases the breeding company or a group of breeders also own a limited number of females: the nucleus. Selection among those females and of the males is under control of the breeding company/group of breeders. When privately owned females can be invited to join the nucleus it is an open nucleus. This type of selection takes place in dairy cattle breeding

What is a breeding program with a closed nucleus and pyrimidal structure?

Commercial breeding programs have full control over all breeding activities. They own a limited number of breeding animals (the selection animals), in where the the breeding goals is determined. These pure lines are not the animals that produce the final product: the final produt often cosists of a cross between three or four lines. This type of selection takes place in pig and poultry production

What is the result of a(n) (open) nucleus program?

It results in a high genetic improvement rate over generations

What is a reason for closing the nucleus?

The genetic difference between nucleus and base population has become too large due to absence of selection in the base population

What is the benefit of a(n) (open) nucleus?

That the gentic improvement can be generated in a controlled situation and males from the nucleus can be used widely by individual private breeders

What is a potential issue of a(n) (open) nucleus?

That it is costly to maintain. These costst need to be carried by someone

Why is genomic selection atractive for commercial breeding companies?

- It is possible to calculate differences in breeding value between full sibs before they have their own phentypic records or records from their progeny
- young animals that should have been progeny tested before they obtain an accurate breeding value an can be used intesively directly after puberty

What is the benefit of genomic selection?

The generation interval in breeding programs with genomic selection can be very short, this speeds up the genetic gain of the breeding programs

How can the low selection intensity within dairy farms be increased with genomic selection?

- Increase the longevity resulting in lower replacement rates
- by the use of seced semen

What is a pyramidal structure in a breeding program?

Can be considered as a nucleus breeding program with a multiplication layer to provide a large number of 'end product farmers'with good quality animals.

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