Genetic models

27 important questions on Genetic models

What is a genetic model?

A mathematical representation and simplification of biology

Where are genetic models used for?

Are used as tools for breeding value estimation

Where do genetic models give insight in?

In why phenotypes of some animals are more similer due to common genetics or common environment
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What important phases indicate changes in environmental influeces?

- Prenatal phase/ from conception to birth
- From birth to weaning
- From weaning to reproductive matuirity
- Maturity and the rest of the animal's life

What is a polygenic trait?

If many traits are determined by more than a single gene

What is the infinitesimal model?

Assumes that most traits are determined by an infenite number of genes, each with an infinitely small effect. This assumption reulst in a smooth bell-shaped distribution that can be described by the normal distrubution. This distribution comes with a number of rules that animal breading theory is built on.

What means that the covariance between G and E is assumed to be 0

That there is no dependency of the genetyope on the environment or vice versa

How is variation is a population expressed?

In variance component. The symbol for a variance coponent is sigma2 and the substrctipt indicates what type of variance component it is: P, G or E

What types of undelying effect does the genetic component consists of?

- The epistatic effect: interaction between genes
- The dominance effects: interaction between alleles of the same gene
- Additive genetic effects of breeding values: all that is left after correcting for the interactive effects

Why are dominance and epistasis often ignores?

Because they are difficult to estimate and not heritable

What is the mendelian sampling term?

Indicates the random process in distrubting half te genetic material from each parent to their offspring

How can you write the breeding value of an offspring in model terms?

Aoffspring= 1/2sire+1/2dam+ MS

How do you estimate the variance components of A?

sigma2A= Var (A)= 1/4var(Asire)+1/4var(Adam)+ var (MS)

What is the heritability? (h2)

Indicates what proportion of the total phenotypic variation is due to genetic variation among individuals. In formula: h2= sigma2A/sigma2P

Why is a hertability always estimated for a specific population in a specific environment?

- it reflects the genetic variation for a trait in that specific population
- it is relative to the phenotypic variation for the trait in that specific population

What is an easy whay to get an impression of the size of the heratability?

The parent-offspring regression

What is a common environment?

A common environment is an environment that is shared with ohter during the development of the animal and that, therefore, is expected to have the samen influece on the development of all animals that shared a common environment The quality of an environment may have irreversible consequences if expierienced during development

How can the common environmental effect be incorperated in the genetic model?

P = A + C + E (C= common environmental effect_

Why would you be interested in the common environmental variance?

Its size provides insight in the influence of the common environment on the variation in phenotypes observed

How do you write the phenotypic variance taking into account the comon environmental effect?

sigma2p= sigma2G+sigma2C+ sigma2E

What is the common environmental factor?

c2= sigma2c/sigma2p

What does a biased heritability mean?

That the estimated value deviates in a particular direction

What is the maternal effect?

The effect of the environment created by the mother on the development of her offspring. The maternal effect is partly determined by the genes of the mother

What is the indirect of social effect?

Dsribes the effect that the phentypes of others have on the performance of an animal. Just like the maternal effect, the social effects are phenotypes that consist of combinations of genetics and environments of the other animals

How can the inderect/social effect be modeled?

P= Pd + sumPs= Ad+ Ed + sum(As+Es)
Ad= direct genetic effect of the animal itself
As= the social genetic effects of group members
Ed= the direct environment effect of the animal itsel
Es= the social environmental effects of group members

What are repeated observations?

Multiple observations, are likely to be more similar that observations on different animals, because the same genetics is working on the thrait, and in some cases also part of the environmenttal influences

What is the permanent environmental effect?

Is defined as the effect of the environment which is common to all repeated observations of an animal. The genetic model can be writtes as: P= A + Ep + Et where Ep is the permanent environmental effect and Et is the temporary environmental effect

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