Genetic diversity and inbreeding

19 important questions on Genetic diversity and inbreeding

Where does inbreeding result from?

From mating of related individuals, and has a negative effect on health and reporduction

Whate are the consequences of genetic drift?

Can have conseuences on allele frequencies in the next generation (especially in small populations)

What does genetic drift increase?

Relatedness between animals
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What does natural selection do?

Acos on alleles that contribute to survival and reproductive success also called fitness

What is the result of selection?

Increase in homozygosity and a decrease of genetic diversity

What is the exception of selection?

When the selection favours heterozygous animals, where selection maintains genetic diversity

What is a bottleneck in a population?

Refers to a severe decrease in size, followed by a recovery in size

What does a bottleneck influences?

The allele frequency in the population and thus the genetic diversity

How can breed formation be divided?

- Seperation from a main population
- Cross breeding, or creation of a hybrid or synthetic

What are mutation hotspots?

Specific regions on the geneome where mutations tend to occur

What is the effect of mutations?

Increase in genetic diversity

What is the additive genetic relationship?

An estimate of the proportion of alleles that two individuals have in common because they have one or more common ancestors

How do you calculate the additive genetic relationship?

- Find the common ancestors
- How many generations (meiosis) are there to each of the common ancestors
- Calculate the additib genetic relationship between the animals

What is the formula for the additve genetic relationship?

ax,y= msomi=1 (1/2) ^ni+pi
x and y are the animals 
m is the number of common ancestors
n is the number of generations rom animal x to the common ancester
p is the number of generation from animal y to the common ancestor

How can the inbreeding coeffictient of an animal be calculated?

Fanimal= 1/2*abetween parrents

How is the rate of inbreeding determined?

By the average relatedness between the animals in the population

Where does the rate of inbreeding depend on?

- The proportion of breeding males to females
- The number of breeding males and females
- variation in family size
- fluctuation in population size

What does the FAO adivses about inbreeding?

Limit the rate of inbreeding to 0.5- 1%

What is essential in population manegement?

- To use sufficient number of animals for breeding

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