Collection of information

14 important questions on Collection of information

What is a pedigree?

Is the set of known parent-offspring relationships in a population, often displayed as a family tree diagram. this can be used to derive the additive genetic relationships

When does a pedigree have a predictive value?

Only when an unique and reliable identification system is used in a breeding program

What is another requirement for the predictive value of a pedigree?

That measurements (phenotypes) on animals are combined with the right identification number
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What are qualitative trait?

Types of traits that can be divided into a few distinct classess

What is a recorded phenotype?

The observed value of a trait, including errors in measurement

What types of measurement errors are there?

Systematic or random

What can be sources of information for traits?

- Parents
- Sibs or half sibs
- Progeny

What is required for material for DNA genotyping purposes?

A number of cells with a nucleus

What are three common ways to collect DNA?

- Blood collection
- Hair roots
- Mouth swab

Why isn't determing of the whole DNA sequence used commonly?

- Too expensive
- Difficult technique

What is a microsattelite marker?

Consitst of a repeat in sequence of a few bases, usefol to describe genetic differences between animals

What is the advantage of SNP over micro?

Genotyping does not require separate analyses for each marker because they are point mutations and thus not differ in length, they can be genotyped in one go

What is the disadvantage of SNP over micro?

the SNP only has 2 alleles, As a measure for genetic diversity, a single SNP is not very useful wheras a single micro can already give substantial information with respect to genetic differences in a group of animals

What applications can the use of genetic markers have?

- Identification of genes, or genomic regions related to a certain trait
- Test for carrying a certain heritable disorders for which DNA test are available
- Genomic selection
- Parentage verification

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