Evaluation of genetic diversity

16 important questions on Evaluation of genetic diversity

What is a landrace?

Within a landrace animals resemble each other but among indiiduals you still may observe diversity in many phenotypic traits. The actual breeds originate from these landraces

What is genetic diversity?

Is the set of differences between species, breeds within species, and individuals within breeds expressed because of differences in their DNA

Whereto is the risk of extinction related?

The size of between breed genetic variation. It is important to monitor trend in animal numbers to be able to respond to changes
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How does the FAO describe the rist status of a breed?

- Not at risk
- Vulnerable
- Endangered
- Critical

Whereto can the risk status of a breed be linked?

To the risk of actual loss in genetic diversity, and related to that, to the risk of increase in genetic defects and the decrease in ability to respond to fluctuation in the environment, here described as random events

What is in vivo conservation?

Conservation through maintenance of live populations

What is in vitro (cryo) conservation?

Is the storage of gametes and/or embryos in liquid nitrogen

How can genetic diversity be measured?

Through pedigree analysis and DNA analysis

What are options for DNA analysis?

Determining the:
- Diversity in allele frequency
- genetic distance between breeds
- heterozygosity
- number of different alleles for a set of loci

What can be potential causes of inbreeding in a population?

- Breeders intentionally mate sires and dams that are more related to each other than the population average
- breeders cannot avoid mating sires and dams that are related because all animals in the population are related to eacu other

What will determine the rate of unavoidable breeding?

The size of the breeding population and the relative size of the contributions of each of the breeding animals

How is rate of inbreeding expressed?

Per generation, but can be determined per year for monitoring changes in genetic diversity

Where does the rate of inbreeding consist of?

An aviodable and unaviodable component

What are measuren that can be taken to slow down the incease of the average additive relationship?

- Expansion of the size of the breeding population
- Restrictions o the number of offspring per parent
- Mating schemes to control and manage relationships

How can expansion of the size of the breeding population be achieved?

By reducing selection intensity, introducing new animals of the same breed but from a different population, or introducing animals of a different breed

What are circulating breeding schemes?

An effeicient method to control the rate of inbreeding provided the population is of sufficient size

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