Predicting response to selection

25 important questions on Predicting response to selection

Which steps are required to achieve a response to selection, and thus to make genetic progress or genetic gain?

- The animals need to be ranked in order of their predicted genetic potential
- Select the best for breeding

What factors are depended on to have success of the selection descision?

- How heritable is the trait under selection?
- How much genetic variation for that trait is present in the population?
- What is the average accuracy of the EBV, and thus the accuracy of selection?
- What proportion of the animals will be selected for breeding?
- How long is a generation?

Why can the selection proportion not be unlimited small?

- The intention is to maintain the population size
- Few animals selected as parents with large number of offspring result in many animals that are closely related in the next generation and thus a rate of inbreeding that may exceed the limit of .5-1% set by the FAO
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What is important to balance to optimace the successs of a breeding program?

Balance the realtively short-term decisions: aquire high genetic gain, and the long-termn maintance of the population: controlling the rate of inbreeding

What is the selection differential (S)?

- The superioirty of the selected parants in comparison to their generation

What is the selected response (R)?

The superiortiy of the offspring in comparison to their parents

Why is mass selection the most elementary type of selection?

It is based on observed phenotypes

What is the formula for R?

R= (P_selected parents - P_parental generation)*h2
= S*h2

What is the formula for deltaG?

deltaG= (P_selected parent- P_parental generation) * h2

What is an important assumption in evaluating predictions of genetic gain?

Environmental influences remain constant across generatins

What does the selection intensity do?

Represents the mean of the selected proportion in phenotypic standard deviations with mass selection

What is the result of knowing the phenotypic variance and the selected proportions?

You can determine the superiortity of the selected parents

What is the general formula for predicting genetic gain?

deltaG= i * rIH * sigmaa

By which factors is genetic gain determined?

- Selected intensity
- Accuracy of selection
- The genetic standard deviation

How can you optimise genetic gain?

By an optimal balance between accuracy, selection intensity and generation interval

How do you calculate slection response of males and females?

The selection response are calculated seperately and afterwards combined into a genetic gain for the entire population

What is the selection path sires to breed sires (SS)?

Tis is the most stringent selection path to breed new father of the fathers. Only elite sires make it to sire faither

What is the selection path sires to breed dams (SD)?

Withing the sires this is a less stringent selection path. These sires will be the fathers of the breeding females

What is the selection path dams to breed sires (DS)?

This is the most stringent selection path wihting the dams to breed new sires. Only the elite dams will make it to sire mother

What is the selection path dams to breed dams (DD)?

This is the least stringent selection path. It depends on the studbook or farmer wheter there are selection criteria for new dams

Where can selection response be divided into?

Into a number of selection paths, the number depending on the number of differences in seleciton intensity and the accuracy of selection

Where do decisions on the intesnity of selection depend on?

On the consideration of genetic gain versus rate of inbreeding

What is an indicator trait?

An indicator trait provides an indication of the performance for the breeding goal trait, and is useful as replacement of traits that are very difficult or expensive to measure

What are the requirements for success of the indictator trait?

The heritabillity of the indicator trait and the correlation with the breeding goal trait

When can indirect selection be a good solution?

when traits are difficult or expensive to record

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