Agroecological intesification

8 important questions on Agroecological intesification

What is the goals as 'agro-ecologists'?

To (re)design agroecosystems in order to production sustainable, sufficient and safe food for the world, while preserving nature and delivering ecological services of local and global relevance

How can you reduce the demand for food?

- Reduce waste along the food value chain
- Reducing over-consumption in human diets
- Rebalancing livestock components of future diets
- Develop 'smart biofuel', policies and technologies

How do you fill the production demand?

- Net expansion of the land footprint
- Net expansion of the irrigation footprint
- Increasing cropping intensity
- Closing yield gaps (including raising eco-efficiency)
- Raising the yield ceiling through new technolgies
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How do you avoid losses of productive capacity?

- Maintaining pest and disease resistance and biosecurity
- Avoiding further soil and water degradation
- Climate change mitigation withoud loss of food security
- Adapting to unavoidable climate change

What are the key messages regarding ecological intensification: how much?

- World hunger is not only determined by Agricultural production- access to food plays a major role.
- Nevertheless by 2050 productivity will have to increase, but not everywhere and/or at any costs
- This needs to happen in the face of climate change
- The level of animal protein in future diets has a stronger impanct on global food demand than population growth
- Food demand to be met by reducing waste and rebalancing diets, filling yield gaps with appropriate technologies and avoiding loss of productive capacity

What is the challeging agenda for re-design?

- Sustainable intensification in the South
- Sustianable 'ecologicalisation' in the North

What is required for supporting design and co-innovation in farming systems?

- Dealing with diversity
- Prospecting farming futures
- Inspiration from nature and local knowledge systems
- Landscape level agroecology and multifunctionality
- Involve key agents of change in 1 to 4

Where does design relie on?

Knowledge synhesis and intergration through systems approaches, it must consider socio-ecological interactions across scales and include the actors

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