Plant production

14 important questions on Plant production

Why is designing crop rotations complex?

- Intergrating many factors and processes
- Many different possible spatial and temperal constellations
- Farm-specific and field-specific

What are the types of crop management?

- Strategic (design=longterm)
- Tactical (resource mangement= in season)

What is strategic crop management?

- Land use and production activities
- Market orientation
- Infrastructure and equipment
- Crop rotation & biodiversity
- Soil fertility management
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What is tactical crop management?

- Labor management
- Irrigation management
- Crop nutrition
- Pest and disease management

What are soil depleting crops?

- Corn, cabbage, potato, tomato, soybean and sugar beet

What are soil structure conserving crops?

- Wheat, barley, oats

What are soil building crops?

- Annual cover crops
- Perennial legue sods: alfalfa, grass-clover
- Grass sods

What are the aims of crop rotations?

- Diversify farming system and buffer income
- Time management: optimisation of labour use
- Alternate crop nutrition needs, example: root crops need more K than grain crops
- Maintain soil structure and water-holding capacity, example: grain grops and grasses have fibrous roots
- Prevent soil-borne pests and diseases
- Prevent selection pressure for particular weeds

What are the aims of crop arrangement?

- Mimicking natural systems
- Enhancing resources use (under-sowing and relay cropping)
- Complementation (pest and disease, light requirements, water and nutrient requirement, human nutrition)
- Diversification and risk management

What are examples of tropical cover crops?

- Cowpea
- hairy indigo
- Lab lab
- Perennial peanut
- Sunn hemp
- Velvet bean

What are examples of temperate cover crops?

- Black oat
- Crimson clover
- Lupin
- Mustard
- Radish
- Rye

What types of weed management is there?

- In-season

What is preventive weed management?

- Crop rotation, cover cropping
- Mulching, understoreey crop
- Seeding density and timing
- Improve crop competitiveness

What is in-season weed management?

- Mechanical: tillage, harrowing, finger weeding
- False seed bed
- Transplanting
- Flame or steam weeder
- Geeze or sheep
- Hand-weeding
- Biological control (pahtogenic fungi/insects)

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