
14 important questions on Permaculture

What is the philosophy of permaculture?

- Working with, rather than against, nature
- Observation before action
- Looking at systems in all their functions, rather than asking only one yield of them
- Allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions (working with sucession, self organisation en ecomimicry concepts)

What is in a permaculture design system?

- Principles
- System-thinking
- Zoning
- Sector analysis
- Agro-ecology techniques

Wat are important ethics in permaculture design systems?

- Earth care
- People care
- Fair shares
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What is the ethic earth care?

Care of all living & non-living things -harmless, ethical and rehabilitative activities. Provision for all life systems to continue and increase

What is the ethic people care?

Provision for people's basic material and social needs to avoid broadschale desctructive practices. Promoting self-reliance and community responsibility.

What is the ethic fair shares?

Contribution of surplus time, money and energy to achieve the aims of earth and people care. Setting limits to population and consumption: by governing our own needs, we can set time and resources aside to further the above principles

What are the principles of a permaculture design system?

- Create a yield
- All elements are Multi-functional
- Let nature do the work
- Diversity (for stability)
- Important functions are supported by many components

What is system thinking in a permaculture design system?

Interactive components in synergistic, interconnective processes

What is sector analysis in a permaculture design system?

Systematic assessment of abiotic and biotic influences on the space

What are agro-ecology techniques in a permaculture design system?

- Animal management
- Crop management
- Water management
- Soil management
- Pest management
- Weed management
- Cycling of energy/materials

What is animal management within agro-ecology techniques?

- Interdependence of species
- Multifunctionality of animals
- Utilising and accomodating natural behaviours and instincts

What is soil management within agro-ecology techniques?

- Soil cover for increased soil-life and fertility: -mulching -green manure - perennial crops
- Earthworm seeding

What is a forest garden?

A polyculture method. With for example: layering in space and timme, beneficial guilds, intercropping and variety in same species

What is water management within agro-ecology techniques?

Catch an store rainwater as high as possible (to benefit from gravity-fed irrigation systems). Slow the progress of water through the landscappe to renew groundwater supplies and benefit from aquaculture systems

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