Organic Animal Husbandry

6 important questions on Organic Animal Husbandry

What are advantages of animals in the organic system?

- Wider crop rotation due to production of fodder (legumes)
- Faster recyling of mineral in animals compared to the compost heap
- Crop residues are converted to food
- Animal manure and plant manures gives farmers more possibillities to manure
- Risk spreading
- Larger range of foods
- Animal rotation makes better use of plant production

What are the benefits of pure graze?

- Lower production costs --> higher profit
- Less labour
- No milking in winter time
- Very healthy for cows
- Permanent grazing leads to higher organic matter in the soil

What are the norms for organic dairy farming?

- Conversion period of 2 years for the soil and 6 months for animals
- Guaranteed grazing
- No pesicides, herbicides, chemical ferilizers, hormones and ggo
- Only organic manures and organic fodder and concenraes
- Dehorning only after permission
- Curative medicines only after permission, waiting times in 2x norman
- Minimal 6 m2 per animal, 20% roof transparant
- Conrolled by skal
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What are the norms for organic poultry and pigs?

- No beak, tail or teeth cuttings
- Daylight needed, grazing needed
- No tying of sows

How is animal welfare defined?

The state of an animal as regards its aempts to cope with its environment

What is an intrinsic value of pigs?

Rooting and digging

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