Food quality and sustainable sourcing

20 important questions on Food quality and sustainable sourcing

What is the health principle of organic farming?

Organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and indivisible

What is the ecology principle of organic farming?

Organic agriculture should be bases on living ecological systems and cucles, work with them, emulate and help sustain them

What is the fairness principle of organic farming?

Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regar to the common environment and life opportunities
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What is the care principle of organic farming?

Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible anner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment

What are the 3 driving forces of growth?

- Sustainable consumers
- Food corporates
- PL global retailers

What are the mega trends?

- Health awareness
- Organic
- Local products
- Value-for-money
- Traceability
- Fair trade

What is health awareness?

The consumers have developed a higher awareness to own health aspects and want to support this through special healthy products

What are local products?

Consumers are increasingly looking for local products to promote both, the idea of sustainability and also to strengthesn their own home market

What is value-for-money?

The pure discount mentality will be replaced in future by a higher aprreciation of value-for-money

What is the new organic consumer?

What's in it for ME? Organic is part of lifestyle sustaianability

What are the charasteristics of the cultural creatives?

- Love of nture, deep caring about its destruction
- Strong awareness on planet- wide issues and a desire to see more action on them
- Developing and maintaing relationships
- Social justice, fairness
- Love art, culture, cooking, active social life
- Consious buyers, no high debts
- Don't believe in old left-right thinking
- want social transformation and change
- both inner- directed and socially concerned

What are the values of culctural creatives?

- Concern for the plant
- Authencity, walk the talk
- Seeing the world as interwoven and conncected
- Idealism and activism
- Ecological sustainability
- Social justice
- The importance of women
- Critical
- Diversity
- Green and social responsible values
- Persional development, spirutuality, new ideas

Why collaborate in the supply chain?

- Buyer needs
- Farmer needs
- Mankind and mother earth need

What is the mankind and mother earth need?

- Sustainable use of resources

What are the assessment criteria for a land-use system?

- Fertility management
- Soil management
- Pest and disease management
-Technical know how

What are the assessment criteria for biodiversity?

- Functionality
- Quantity and quality

What are the assessment criteria for risk assessment?

- Contimination risks
- Inspection and certification

What are the assessment criteria for social situation?

- Age/succession
- Farm size
- Alternative occuptation
- Tranditional context

What are the 4 main reasons for sustainable business?

- Because we live in a fundamentally unsustainable world
- Because companies are increasingly expected to operate sustainably
- Because companies see business opportunities in sustainability
- Because entrepreneurs feel enganging in sustaianable business is the proper thing to do

What are the prime reasons for buying organic?

- Human health
- Better taste
- Environmentally friendly
- Price
- Animal welfare
Ego-centric; feedling good (fair trade), feeling connected (local products), beeing hip
Altruistic; farmers safety, farmers well-being

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