Farm types & innovations

8 important questions on Farm types & innovations

What can be different farm strategies/styles?

- Production scale
- Production scope
- Production efficiency
- Risk

What does bionext want to achieve?

10% growth of organic per year, in area and turnover
Improve the quality of the organic products that are sol
Improve cooperation between organic and conventional sector

What is the general work for the sector of bionext?

- Advocacy and lobby
- Organizing research priorities , coordinate cooperation in research and lobby for funing
- Communciation coordination in case of calamities
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What are the weaknesses of organic regulation at the EU level?

- Bureaucraic
-Difficult to catch the holisic, multifunctional approach of organic in narrow rules
- New concepts of sustainablility no easility intergrated

What is the production scale strategie?

- Farm/herd size
- Productivity

What is the production scope strategy?

- Market orientation
- Extensive vs. intensive
- Internal vs. external inputs
- Innovation, technology and infrastructure
- Production setting and system control

What is the production efficiency strategy?

- Capital
- Labor
- Water and nutrients

What is the risk strategy?

- Niche expoloration
- Diversification

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