The nature of leisure - Leisure defined

5 important questions on The nature of leisure - Leisure defined

What are four major approaches to defining leisure?

Time-based approach, activity-based approach, attitude-based approach and the quality-based approach

What transformation can leisure activities go through?

They can turn into work and chores as circumstances change

What entails the activty-based approach of leisure?

This approach sees leisure as engaging in an activity that is not required as a daily necessity but persued out of choice and lies outside professional, social and family related duties.
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What entails the attitude-based approach of leisure?

Leisure in this instance is viewed a state of mind or a state of being and is guided by the motive of the participant.

What entails the quality-based approach of leisure?

This approach sees leisure linked to qualities. As the time-based approach links leisure to the quality of freedom, this approach also links leisure to qualities like being physically active, pleasurable, relaxing or creative.

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