Intermediate - water distibution - water meters

5 important questions on Intermediate - water distibution - water meters

T/f: Water meters are installed in order to be easily removed?

True using a union connection or flanged for larger sizes (1 1/2 +)

All water meters need to have some kind of frost protection. What are the types of meters?

1) rotating/ neutating disk: postive displacement, it isused for small diameter/ demand. Increased presure loss.
2) turbine :  application is used to mesure flow rates, larger quantaties / flow. It doesnt interupt flow as much and low loss
3) compound meter : combines both types to be able to acomidate low flow but also allow acuracy in its mesuring small flow demands.

What unit of measurement do meters mesure in

In cubic meter or cubic feet.
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When is a bypass alowed?

Only installed if purveyor allows it, normally only allowed on highrise/commercial where water shut off is not an option.

How many valves does a basic bypass have

(2 isolating, one before meter one after,
1 bypass valve  )

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