Science, matter, energy, and systems

13 important questions on Science, matter, energy, and systems

Why are we living unsustainably?

We are wasting, depleting and degrading earth's natural capital at an accelerating rate.

Fill in the names of the following Elements:

Arsenic (Arseen)
Bromine (Broom)
Calcium (Calcium)
Carbon (Koolstof)
Chlorine (Chloor)
Fluorine (Fluor)
Gold (Goud)
Lead (Lood)
Lithium (Lithium)
Mercury (Kwik)
Nitrogen (Stikstof)
Phosporus (fosfor)
Sodium (Natrium)
Sulfur (zwavel)
Uranium (uranium)


What are organic compounds?

Compounds that contain two or more carbon atoms (combined with one or more other elements).

ANd methane. CH4

p. 41
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What is the law of conservation of matter?

we cannot create or destroy atoms: only change their physical or chemical form.
p. 43

What are the two types of energy and what are their subtypes?

Kinetic energy:
- electricity
- heat
- electromagnetic radiation   (short wavelengths, higher energy (gamma rays); longer wavelengths, lower energy (microwaves))

Potential energy:
- everything that can be changed into kinetic energy: e.g. a molecule that after put into a reaction releases heat

The three big conclusions of this chapter are:

1. there is no away - the first law of conservation of matter
2. you cannot get something for nothing - the first law of thermodynamics ; we cannot get more energy out than we put in.
3.   you cannot break even; using energy is losing worth (energy you use is lost)

What is the problem that we face in dealing with environmental degration?

The ecological tipping point

What kind of changes can matter undergo?

Physical, chemical and nuclear changes.

Why can't we destroy or create atoms?

Because of the law of conservation of matter: whenever matter undergoes a physical change, no atoms are created or detroyed.

How do we measure energy quality?

text-decorationHigh-quality energy has a great capacity to do useful work because it's concentrated.
text-decorationLow-quality energy has little capacity to do useful work because it is so dispersed.

What are the laws of energy changes?

text-decorationThe first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy: when energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is detroyed or created.
text-decorationThe second law of therodynamics: whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, we end up with lower-quality or less useable energy.

What is a system?

A system is a set of components  that function and interact in some regular way.

How can system effects by amplified?

Through synergetic interaction, or synergy. This occurs when two or more processes are combined so that the effect is greater than the sum of their seperate effects.

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