Sustaining human societies - What factors influence the size of the human population?

3 important questions on Sustaining human societies - What factors influence the size of the human population?

How do we measure population growth?

text-decorationPopulation change= (births+immigration)- (deaths+emigration)
(per 1000 people in a population in a given year)

What are the factors that affect birth rates and fertility rates?

  • importance of  children as part of the labor force (africa i.e. more)
  • costs of raising and educating children (Europe i.e. more)
  • availability of, or lack of, private and public pension systems
  • infant deaths (Africa i.e. more)
  • urbanization (Europe i.e. less)
  • educational and employment opportunities available for women (Europe i.e. less)
  • average age at marriage (25 or older i.e. less)
  • availability of legal abortions
  • availability of reliable birth control methods
  • religious beliefs, traditions and cultural norms

What are the factors that affect death rates?

The life expectancy rise and the decrease  of  infant mortality rate.

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