Mathematics - Systems thinking

5 important questions on Mathematics - Systems thinking

What are the components of a model?

1. state variables (amount, a number at a given moment. e.g. amount of CO2 in atmosphere).
2. fluxes (amount per time: determines the state variable e.g. kg/day)
3. model parameters    (relative amount per time: influences the fluxes absolute amount. e.g. % interest rate per year).

When is a feedbackloop negative and positive?

negative: the flow negatively affects its own inflow or positively affects its own outflow. decreases its stock.

positive: flow positively affects its own inflow or negatively affects its outflow: increases its stock .

Draw the negative feedback loop

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Draw the positive feedback loop

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How do know if a loop is positive or negative from a feedback diagram?

multiply all the loops (- x - x - = negative)

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