Sustaining human societies

5 important questions on Sustaining human societies

Why is the growth of human population unevenly distributed?

1. Humans developed the ability to expand into almost all of the planet's climate zones and habitats.
2. The emergence of early and modern agriculture allowed us to grow more  food.
3. Most of the increase in the world's population during the last 100 years took place of a text-decorationsharp drop in death rates- not a sharp rise in birth rates, this is because of vaccins and improved sanitation and health care.

What is the crude birth rate, fertility rate and the total fertility rate (TFR)?

Crude birth/or death rate: live births or deaths per 1000 people of a population per year.

Fertility rate: number of children born to a women during her lifetime.  

TFR:   average number of children born women in a population during their reproductive years.

What is the life expactancy rate and the infant mortality rate and child mortality rate?

life expectancy: the average number of years a baby born now can expect to live

infant mortality rate: number of babies per 1000 that die before their first birthday.  (reflects country's level of nutrition and health care)

child mortality rate: number deaths per 1000 under children until 5 years old.
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Why does empowering women help to slow population growth?

When women are educated and have the ability to control their own fertility, earn an income of their own and live in societies that do not suppress their rights they tend to have less children.

Why should family planning be promoted to decline population growth?

Family planning provides information on birth spacing, birth control and health care for pregnant women and infants. This reduces the number of birth and the number of abortions.

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