Introducing Logic Pro X - First Recording

5 important questions on Introducing Logic Pro X - First Recording

How do you set the pre-count for recording with the metronome?

Click and hold the metronome -> Select Metronome Settings -> Go to recording settings -> Select number of bars for count-in

Name 2 different ways to set the locator length

1. Click and drag to set the locator length.
2. Set the locators in the Transport Bar. (Set display mode to Custom in the LCD Display)

How do you mute toggle on / off all tracks?

Hold Command + click on mute to toggle on/off all tracks
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How do you mute a range of tracks?

Click and drag over the mute buttons of the tracks.

How do you start the song at a particular point in the track?

Double click in the ruler and the song will start playing at that point.

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