Introducing Logic Pro X - Basic key commands

10 important questions on Introducing Logic Pro X - Basic key commands

What is the key command to set the locator length by the region?

Select the region and press u.

What is the key command to move the locator left or right by the same length it has?

1. SHIFT + Command + . (point) (Move right)
2. SHIFT + Command + , (comma) (Move left)

What is the key command to zoom in on a region?

SHIFT + Control + z
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What is the key command to repeat a locator region?

Control + Command + r

What is the key command to get the Musical Typing feature?

Command + k

What is the key command to zoom in / out horizontally?

Command + arrow left / arrow right

What is the key command to copy an effect from one track to another?

Command + Option and then drag the effect on another effect slot in a different track.

How can you tune a blue Apple Loop into a different key?

Using the Transposition tool on the Inspector.

What key do you use to turn on / off an Audio Effect?

Option (Alt) key and click on the effect in the mixer track.

How do you zoom into a section of the screen?

Hold Option (Alt) key and drag a window across the section you want to zoom into.

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