Chopra & Meindl: Supply Chain performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope - Expanding Strategic Scope

4 important questions on Chopra & Meindl: Supply Chain performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope - Expanding Strategic Scope

What is the scope of strategic fit?

The functions and stages within a supply chain that coordinate strategy and target a common goal.

In my own words: It defines how broadly the strategy is aligned. It ranges from a strategy that restricts to a functional area within a stage in the supply chain to a strategy that covers (aligns) all functional areas across all stages in the supply chain (the scope of strategic fit would be the entire supply chain in this case).

What is meant by 'expanding the strategic scope'?

The different steps companies have on strategic scope, ranging from:

1. Intraoperation scope: each stage of the supply chain devises strategy independently

2. Intrafunctional scope: firms now attempt to align all operations within a function

3. Interfunctional scope: alligning strategy across all functions within the firm to maximize profit. There was still a conflict between stages of a supply chain however, so:

4. Intercompany scope: two parties work together and share information so they can reduce inventories and total cost, thus growing the supply chain surplus

What is the importance of the intercompany scope of strategic fit?

The competitive playing field nowadays has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain. A company's partners in the supply chain may well determine the company's success, as the company is intimately tied to its supply chain.

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What is an agile intercompany scope?

A firm's ability to achieve strategic fit when partnering with supply chain stages that change over time (due to the shortening of product life cycles and a dynamic customer demand)

> The strategy and operations of a firm must be agile enough to maintain strategic fit in a changing environment.

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