Chopra & Meindl: Supply Chain performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope - Achieving Strategic Fit

13 important questions on Chopra & Meindl: Supply Chain performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope - Achieving Strategic Fit

What is required for a Strategic Fit?

It requires that both the competitive and supply chain strategies of a company have aligned goals.

It requires that all functions within a firm and stages in the supply chain target the same goal, one that is consistent with customer needs.

Why is achieving strategic fit critical to a company's overall success?

A lack of strategic fit between the competitive and supply chain strategies can result in the supply chain taking actions that are not consistent with customer needs, leading to a reduction in supply chain surplus and decreasing supply chain profitability.

What are the three basic steps to achieving this strategic fit?

1. Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertainty

2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities

3. Achieving strategic fit

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What is step 1 to achieve a strategic fit?

To understand customers and supply chain uncertainty. Uncertainty from the customer and the supply chain can be combined and mapped on the implied uncertainty spectrum.

What is implied demand uncertainty and what is the difference with 'regular' demand uncertainty?

Implied demand uncertainty is demand uncertainty imposed on the supply chain because of the customer needs it seeks to satisfy.

Difference: demand uncertainty reflects the uncertainty of customer demand for a product, whereas implied demand uncertainty is the resulting uncertainty for only the portion of the demand that the supply chain plans to satisfy (customer needs).

What did Fischer (1997) point out?

That implied demand uncertainty is often correlated with other characteristics of demand (e.g. products with uncertain demand are often less mature and have less competition, increased implied demand uncertainty leads to increased difficulty in matching supply and demand, markdowns are high for products with greater implied demand uncertainty because of oversupply, etc.)

What did Lee (2002) point out in his article?

That along with demand uncertainty, it is important to consider uncertainty resulting from the capability of the supply chain (so supply chain uncertainty).

What is supply chain responsiveness?

A supply chain's ability to:

- respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded

- meet short lead times

- handle a large variety of products

- build highly innovative products

- meet a high service level

- handle supply uncertainty

What is the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier?

A curve that portrays the trade-off that a firm must make between efficiency and responsiveness.

What is step 3 to achieve a strategic fit?

To ensure that the degree of supply chain responsiveness is consistent with the implied uncertainty (from demand and supply). The supply chain design and all functional strategies within the firm must also support the supply chain's level of responsiveness.

What is the zone of strategic fit?

It has the right balance between supply (being responsive or efficient) and demand (high uncertainty or low uncertainty).


> A certain demand fits with an efficient supply chain

> An uncertain demand fits with a responsive supply chain

How can companies supply multiple customer segments with a variety of products through several channels?

By making a tailored supply chain strategy.

Why is tailoring a supply chain to achieve a strategic fit important?

This is important  because in industries wherein innovation is critical and products move through a life cycle (such as pharmaceuticals and high-tech industries), a company can still provide responsiveness to fast-growing products, customer segments, and channels while maintaining low cost for mature, stable products and customer segments.

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