Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply - Macroeconomic Policy - policy in the face of demand shocks

4 important questions on Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply - Macroeconomic Policy - policy in the face of demand shocks

For what 2 reasons is a policy that short-circuits and maintains the economy  as its original equilibrium be desirable?

Stopping the aggregate output from falling quickly could prevent unemployment
because price stability is a desirable goal, so preventing a fall in the aggregate price level is a good thing.

Do policy makes always act to offset declines in aggregate demand? Why?

No, because always acting to offset declines in aggregate demand, may have long term costs in terms of lower  long run growth

In order to eliminate inflationary and recessionary gaps what policy has the most effect

policy makers usually rely  on monetary rather the fiscal policy
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Should policy makers also try to offset positive shock to aggregate demand? Why

Yes they should, becasue in the short run gain from inflationart gaps must be paid back later, so policy makers today usually try to offset positive as well as negative demand shocks

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