Financial Markets - Determining the Interest Rate - Monetary policy and open market operations

6 important questions on Financial Markets - Determining the Interest Rate - Monetary policy and open market operations

Where do open market operations take place? What are they? Which 2 types do you have?

  • take place in the ‘open market’ for bonds
  • are the standard method central banks use to change the money stock in modern economies
  • 2 types:
    • expansionary open market operation
    • contractionary open market operation

What is a contractionary open market operation?

If the central bank sells bonds, this operation is called a contractionary open market operation because the central bank decreases (contracts (=inkrimpen, vernauwen)) the supply of money.

What are the assets and what the liabilities of the central bank?

  • The assets of the central bank are the bonds it holds.
  • The liabilities are the stock(=voorraad) of money in the economy
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How does an open market operation in which the central bank buys bonds and issues money affect the balance sheet of the central bank?

An open market operation in which the central bank buys bonds and issues money increases both assets and liabilities by the same amount.
  • Assets: plus een miljoen bonds (bonds gekocht bij commercial banks)
  • Liabilities: gewoon een miljoen bijdrukken.

Treasury bills(=schatkistpapieren), or T-bills are issued by the US government promising payment in a year or less. How do you calculate the rate of return (or interest) on holding, let's say a €100 bond for a year

If you buy the bond today and hold it for a year, the rate of return (or interest) on holding a €100 bond for a year is i=(€100 −€PB)/ €PB

What is the formula of the price of a bond?

See picture
NB Overheid koopt bonds -> prijs bonds omhoog -> interest bonds naar beneden (kun je in deze formule zien)

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