The goods market - The Composition of GDP

5 important questions on The goods market - The Composition of GDP

How is GDP composed?

GDP (Y) is composed of:
  • Consumption (C)
  • Investment (I)
  • Government spending (G)
  • Net exports
    • Exports (X)
    • Imports (IM)
  • Inventory investment

What are endogenous variables and exogenous variables?

  • Endogenous variables: explained within the model. Variables that depend on other variables within the model
  • Exogenous variables: taken as given. Variables that are not explained within the model
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To what does C and I refer to?

  • Consumption (C): refers to the goods and services purchased by consumers.
  • Investment (I): sometimes called fixed investment, is the purchase of capital goods. It is the sum of non-residential and residential investment. What’s that?:
    • Non-residential investment: Expenditures by FIRMS on capital such as tools, machinery, and factories.
    • Residential Investment: Expenditures on residential structures and residential equipment that is owned by LANDLORDS(=huisbazen) and rented to tenants(=huurders)
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To what does IM and X refer to? And what is net exports?

  • Imports (IM): are the purchases of foreign goods and services by consumers, business firms and the government.
  • Exports (X): are the purchases of ''US'' goods and services by foreigners.
  • Net exports (X - IM): is the difference between exports and imports, also called the trade balance
  • Is a trade deficit “bad”?

What is inventory investments?

Inventory investment is the difference between production and sales.
(What is produced in a certain country is naturally also sold eventually, but some of the goods produced in a given year may be sold in a later year rather than in the year they were produced. Conversely, some of the goods sold in a given year might have been produced in an earlier year. The difference between goods produced (production) and goods sold (sales) in a given year is called inventory investment.)

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