The goods market - The Demand for Goods - Consumption (C)

3 important questions on The goods market - The Demand for Goods - Consumption (C)

What is disposable income (YD)?

Disposable income (YD)(=besteedbaar inkomen), is the income that remains once consumers have paid taxes and received transfers from the government. C=C(YD )
(+) -> means: positive relation. When C(YD) goes up -> C goes up.

What are the 2 parameters in the consumption function?

linear relation: C=c0+c1 (YD)
  • c1 is called the (marginal) propensity(=neiging, tendens) to consume, or the effect of an additional dollar of disposable income on consumption.
  • c0 is the intercept of the consumption function. Dat spenderen mensen ongeacht hun inkomen, de noodzakelijk dingen zeg maar.
  • Disposable income is given by: YD≡Y-T (T=taxes)

What is the relation of C and YD (think of the lineair l

Consumption increases with disposable income, but less than one for one (dus 1 euro meer YD is niet 1 euro meer C, maar minder dan 1)

A lower value of c0will shift the entire line down.

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