Endogenous economic policy - Ways out of the time inconsistency trap

6 important questions on Endogenous economic policy - Ways out of the time inconsistency trap

Time inconsistency trap is another term for?

inflationary bias

On what three things does the inflationary bias rely?

Steepness of SAS curve
The ability for governments to shift the DAD curve
The shape of the government indifference curves

What does the constraint component of inflationary bias compromise?

The steeper the SAS the lower the bias
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In what two ways does one steepen the SAS curve?

Shorter wage contracts
automatic inflation adjustments in contracts

In what way does one change the government indifference curves?

By making the central bank independent of the government it doesn't have the same incentives anymore

In what two ways can one decrease instrumental potency?

By fixing rules on how to react on certain macroeconomic conditions
By fixing exchange rate

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