Booms and recessions (III): aggregate supply and demand - The AD-AS model: basics

5 important questions on Booms and recessions (III): aggregate supply and demand - The AD-AS model: basics

What is the formula for the AS-curve?

ρ = ρe + λ(Y-Y*)

What happens to real exchange rates if one slides down the AD-curve and how does that work?

Sliding down the AD curve, falling prices increase real money supply and make real exchange rate depreciate

In what five situations does the AD-curve move up under fixed exchange rates?

When exchange rate, world prices or government spending increase or
world interest rate or expected depreciation fall
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What equalities hold at the intersection of the LAS curve and the AD curve?


The point right of the LAS curve are what real wages? (unions)

Real wages lower than expected by trade unions

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