Macroeconomic Essentials - Essentials of macroeconomic accounting - The government budget and the balance of payments

14 important questions on Macroeconomic Essentials - Essentials of macroeconomic accounting - The government budget and the balance of payments

What is the government budget?

The planned government incomes and expenditures

What is a countries balance of payments?

The result of trades with other countries

Governments have an extra option for running in debt compared to individuals; what is this option?

Running in debt with the central bank
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The government budget change can be divided in two categories, give this mathematical expression:

Where BPS is the Government debt owed to the private sector

What does the current account measure?

The demand for domestic currency due to the in and out flows of goods and services with the rest of the world

What does the capital account measure?

The demand of domestic currency due to the in and out flow of financial assets with the rest of the world

What does the official reserve measure?

The demand of domestic currency due to government intervention

If RES denotes the reserves of the central bank in foreign currency, what does OR measure? give the mathematical expression

The change in RES

When the central bank of europe sells one million dollars in exchange of euros, will OR be positive or negative?

OR will be positive, since the reserves of foreign currency fall (= negative) and OR is the oppisite sign of ΔRES

How is F, net foreign assets, defined?

net foreign assets is domestic holdings of foreign assets minus foreign holdings of domestic assets

If F denotes the net foreign assets, what does the capital account measure? Give the mathematical formula

The change in F in opposite sign:
CP = -ΔF

If F denotes the net foreign assets and RES the central banks reserves of foreign currency, how can EX-IM also be equated?


How is the equation EX - IM = ΔF + ΔRES a proof of CA + CP + RES = 0?

CA = EX - IM
CP = -ΔF
CA + CP + RES = EX - IM - ΔF - ΔRES = ΔF - ΔF + ΔRES - ΔRES = 0

How are BCB , RES and M related mathematically?


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