Economic growth (I): basics - The production function and growth accounting

8 important questions on Economic growth (I): basics - The production function and growth accounting

What two assumptions are made when determining why capital stock and economy growth is at a certain level and why?

That employment is fixed
That everybody is employed
Because this way one ignores short run business cycles which would way overcomplicate things

What three assumptions are made for the production functions in Cobb-Douglass form?

1. Output increases when either factor increases
2. If one factor remains fixed, the marginal effect of the other diminishes
3. If both factors rise with the same percentage, output raises with the same percentage

What does constant return on scale mean?

That when all factors increase with a x%, the output also increases with x%
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What does growth accounting examine?

What components are accountable for what portion of the growth

What two things does the perfect competition assumption in growth accounting imply?

1. That real wage, w = marginal product of labour
2. That real interest rate, r = marginal product of capital

With what equality can one compute labour income share (1-α) in growth accounting?

1-α = wL/Y

How is capital income share given in growth accounting?

α = rK/Y

What does the Solow Residual Equation calculate?

How much of the economic growth is attributable to technological advancement

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