Booms and recessions (IV): dynamic aggregate supply and demand - The DAD-SAS model at work

10 important questions on Booms and recessions (IV): dynamic aggregate supply and demand - The DAD-SAS model at work

When the central bank surprisingly raises money growth rate under flexible exchange rates, to what intersection does DAD1 shift?

EADnew intersects EAS intersects DAD1

How do DADt and SASt shift under adaptive expectations?

SASt intersects EAS on πt-1
DADt intersects EAD(new) on Yt-1

Does does a permanent increase in money growth rate invoke under flexible exchange rates when inflation expectations adjust slowly?

It raises income for some time above its normal level until inflation catched up and exceeds money growth. Income eases back towards its normal level
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What is the real interest rate?

The interest rate corrected for inflation

What is the main restriction of the Fisher equation?

It only holds in equilibrium

What qualitative error does the Fisher equation give when used outside equilibria?

It overvalues interest rates in recessions
It undervalues interest rates during booms

Suppose individuals behave rationally, how does DADt shift?

To the point where DADt intersects EAD(HI) at Yt-1

Why does fiscal policy under fixed exchange rates never result in a new equilibrium?

Because π=πW always holds at fixed exchange rates

What are - in words - the results from one time increased government spending under fixed exchange rates?

Shortly increased income and inflation following falling inflation and temporary recession

What is the bottem line in policy effectiveness in the DAD-SAS model?

That the greater the surprise, the greater the effects

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