Booms and recessions (I): The Keynesian Cross - The circular flow model revisited: terminology and overview

14 important questions on Booms and recessions (I): The Keynesian Cross - The circular flow model revisited: terminology and overview

What does the formula AE = C + I + G + EX - IM represent in economics?

- AE stands for Aggregate Expenditure.
- C represents Consumer Spending.
- I is Investment by businesses.
- G denotes Government Spending.
- EX means Exports.
- IM refers to Imports.

What does the circle in Figure 2.6 represent in terms of economic activity?

- Begins with income (Y).
- Taxes reduce income to disposable income (Y - T).
- Savings reduce disposable income to consumption (C = Y - T - S).
- Exports, investment, and government spending added to consumption minus imports for total expenditure (C + I + G + EX - IM).

When is a economy in equillibrium?

When output equals aggregate expenditure
(That is, when firm produce the same amount as consumers want to purchase)
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What is the equation for total expenditure?

- Total expenditure = Consumption + Investment + Government spending + Exports - Imports
- It is equivalent to total income.

Are transfers paid for by taxes included in aggregate output?


What influence do transfers have on the variables G and T?

None, they are not taken into account since transfers are just relocations of money

How is Disposable income represented in the diagram?

- Disposable income is calculated as 'Y - T'.

How does the broad definition of Investment guarantees the circular flow equality?

Because when there is an inequality it is caught by unplanned investments

What is 'G' indicating in the government sector?

- 'G' indicates Government expenditure.

Which sector is interacting with the 'Rest of the world' in the diagram?

- The 'IM' and 'EX' sectors interact with the 'Rest of the world'.

What equations are given at the bottom of the government sector?

- Equations given are 'C + I + G + EX - IM'.

What equation includes Savings in the diagram?

- The equation 'Y - T - S = C' includes Savings.

Where does 'S' flow from and to in the diagram?

- 'S' flows from 'Disposable income' to Investment.

What is the flow of 'C - IM' indicating in the diagram?

- 'C - IM' indicates Imports.

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