Geometry - Quadrilaterals

14 important questions on Geometry - Quadrilaterals

What on earth is a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is shape with 4 'line-segments', remember a line is forever but a line segment has 2 endpoints.

True or false: For every quadrilateral, the sum of the four interior angles is 360 degrees


What is a 'diagonal'?

The line from one vertex to the opposite vertex is called a diagonal?
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Which quadrilaterals are the so-called 'elite' quadrilaterals?

1) Trapezoid,
2) Parallellogram
3) Rectangle,
4) Rhombus
5) Square.

Name the 4 properties of a parallelogram aka "the big four"

1) Opposite sides are parallel
2) Opposite sides are equal
3) Opposite angles are equal
4) The diagonals bisect (cross) each other

Of the parallelogram's "big four" aka its 4 properties, is it possible for some properties to be true and others not?

No, they come as a package deal; either they are all true or none of them are true.

What on earth is a rhombus (colloquially known as a diamond)?

Rhombuses are quadrilaterals with 4 equal sides

Are rhombuses paralellograms and if so, do they have the paralellogram's big four properties?

Yes they are, this also means they automatically have the big four properties

True or false: rectangles are paralellograms


True or false: in addition to the parallelogram's big four, the rectangle has 2 additional special properties, if so what are they?

True, they are:
1) All 4 angles are 90 degrees
2) Diagonals are congruent

What on earth are trapezoids?

Trapezoids are quadrilaterals with one pair of parallel sides.

True or false: the angles on the same leg of a trapezoid are supplementary (aka add up to 180 degrees)


What are symmetrical trapezoids?

Trapezoids with 2 equal legs

How do symmetrical trapezoids dffer from isosceles trapezoids.

They don't.

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