Geometry - Volume and Surface Area

12 important questions on Geometry - Volume and Surface Area

True or false: where in 2D we talked about the are of shapes, we will also talk talk about volume when it comes to 3d shapes.


What is formula for the volume of a cube?

If S represents something called the edge length (more on that later), the its S^3.

What are rectangular solids?

Rectangular solids is a general category under which 3d shapes like the cube fall.
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Within the 'rectangular solids' catgeory, how do you calculate the volume?

Volume is the product of the 3 different edge lengths:
Volume = height * weight * depth

Within the 'rectangular solids' catgeory, how do you calculate the total surface area?

Total surface area = 2 hw + 2hd + 2wd.
With h = height, w = width, and d = depth.

Within the 'rectangular solids' catgeory, why does the formula for the total surface area contain coefficients of 2 (2hw + 2hd + 2wd).

Because the entire area consists of 2 of each (hw, hd and wd) surfaces.

In a rectangular solid, how many different kinds of diagonals can we consider?

1) A face diagonal
2) A space diagonal

How do you find the length of a face diagonal?

Because it pertains to only one face and is in that sense exactly like with a 2D surface area, we can use what we already know: the pythagorean theorem.

What is a space diagonal?

As opposed to with a face diagonal, a space diagonal does not run along a face: it is diagonal from whatever way you look at it: from above and the side as well.

How do you find the length of a space diagonal?

Get this: you use the 3D version of the pythagorean theorem.

What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder?

The volume for a cylinder is basically area of the base x the height.
The base in itself is pi*r^2.
So Volume of a cylinder = base * height = (pi*r^2) * height

What is the formula for the volume of a sphere (not required info for the test so you can skip this question if you want)?

Volume = (4/3)*pi*r^3

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