Motivation methods and applications
24 important questions on Motivation methods and applications
What is a goal?
What does the content of a goal emphasize?
What does intensity of a goal emphasize
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Why is goalsetting important according to Locke (1968)
What can participative goal-setting focus on according to Quick (1990)?
- Routine goals, an extension of what people already are doing
- Problem solving to overcome shortcomings
- Innovation
- Personal development to spur greater achievement
What is Management by Objectives with respect to Motivation?
On which philosophy is MBO based?
What is the purpose of MBO
- To strenghten planning
- To encourage participative decisionmaking
- To motivate performance of tasks that have a high pay off for the organisation
What is included in the MBO process?
- Agreement on key goals or objectives
- Action an planning to work on the objectives
- selfcontrol and corrective actions to keep on target
- Periodic measurements, formal reviews and performance appraisals
What is the ABC sequence of behavioural change?
- Antecedent: the antecedent conditions or a cue that precedes a set of behaviour alternatives
- Behaviour: is response to the antecedent circumstance. the behaviour represents the desired behaviour to the antecedent and cue
- consequence: represents a environmental consequence that is contingent on an appropriate behaviour. The most common consequence is positive reinforcer of a dsired behaviour
What are the four common reinforcers?
- Positive reinforcers - Pleasent, rewarding or in an other way satisfying
- Negative reinforcers - The removal or reduction of an aversive condition following a desired behaviour to iniate or increase the desired behaviour
- Punishment - An aversive event or the removal of a positive event following behaviour, designed to reduce the frequency of the behaviour or to eliminate it altogether
- Omission - A completly neutral response to a negative behaviour to encourage its diminishment
What is scientific managemen
What is a task scope?
What is task depth ?
What four types of jobs are identified when you combine Job task and job depth?
- Routine jobs - programmed, repetitative an narrow in scope jobs and are often resitricted by technology
- Technical jobs - Offer great opportunities for independent thinking and deciding what to do and when, but provide employees with little variety in their daily tasks.
- Enlarged jobs - Provide an expanded variety or diversity of tasks
- Enriched jobs- Enable an individual to feel responsible for whole tasks.
What is changing horizontal job loading?
What is vertical job loading ?
What is the model of job enrichment by Hackman et al (1976)?
What is core job dimension?
What are Psychological states?
- Experienced meaningfulness
- Experiences responsibility
- Knowledge of results - that shape individual job motivation and satisfaction of growth needs
What are the six core dimensions for evaluating jobs?
- Autonomy
- Task variety
- Task Identity
- Feedback
- Friendship opportunities
- Dealing with others
What are strategies to enhance jobs trough redesign
- combine tasks - to improve skill variaty, task identity and interdependence
- Load Jobs vertically - To improve autonomy, empower employees by combining responsibilities for planning, executing and adjusting work activities.
- Open feedback channels - to improve interaction with others and clarify task significance
- Establish client relationships - to improve skill variety, autonomy, interaction with others and feedback
- Form natural teams - to improve skill variaty, task significance , friendship and interdependence, link people together when the job performed by one person affects others
What types of empowerment is there?
- Self initiated empowerment - People who are intrinsically motivated internal attributors usually initiate personal efforts to expand the nature of their jobs and their power
- Empowerment by others - Colleagues and coworkers have a significant impact on work-related self- perceptions
- Empowerment by management - The empowering manager actively gives power to individuals and enables them to be self- motivated.
What personal changes does an empowered person undergo?
- Motivational enhancement, they usually itensify their task focus and are energised to become more comitted to a cause goal
- Problem solving behaviours that concentrates energy on a goal
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding