Telecommunications, the internet, and wireless technology

7 important questions on Telecommunications, the internet, and wireless technology

What are components of a simple computer network


What are the key digital networking technologies

  • client /serving computing
  • packet switching (data are transmitted independently over various communication channels)
  • TCP/IP and connectivity (protocol)

What are the four layers of TCP/IP?

application - HTTP
transport layer - packet services, TCP
internet layer - IP
network interface layer - packet receiving
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What are the types of networks?

local area network (lan) - up to 500m
campus area network (CAN) - up to 1000m
metropolitan area network (MAN) - a city
wide area network (WAN) - transcontinental or global area

What is the internet architecture and governance?

  1. backbone
  2. MAE - motropolitan area exchanges
  3. rei=gional hosts

What are IPv6 and Internet2 ?

IPv6 = 128-bit (2^128) not compatible
Internet2 = testpool of 350 U.S companies and universities

What are the features of web 2.0?

real-time user control
user-generated content

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