Articles MSI - Bansal: Why companies go green: a model of ecological responsiveness

14 important questions on Articles MSI - Bansal: Why companies go green: a model of ecological responsiveness

Bansal researched which 3 motives and 3 contextual factors induce corporate ecological responsiveness. Describe these.

3 motivations are competitiveness, legitimation and ecological responsibility. These motivations were influence by 3 contextual conditions: field cohesion, issue salience and individual concern. 

Several studies have identified motives for corporate 'greening'. But these studies prediction of ecological responsiveness is limited. Also, it lacks clarity as to how motivations differ and what contexts lead to particular motivations. According to Bansal this leads to a significant research opportunity, which one?

To develop a model that identifies distinct conceptual categories of ecological motivations and corresponding antecedents and outcomes associated with each motivation. 

What is the purpose of the study of Bansal?

To examine why companies go green and to refine a model that explain corporate ecological responsiveness by identifying motivations for adopting ecological initiatives and the underlying factors that lead to each motivation. 
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How is corporate ecological responsiveness defined in Bansals study?

As a set of corporate initiatives (f.e. reducing energy consumption) aimed at mitigating a firm's impact on the natural environment. 

Prior research on organizations and the natural environment has identified these 4 drivers of corporate ecological response: legislation, stakeholder pressure, economic opportunities, and ethical motives. Why does Bansal further explore this subject? 

To understand ecologically sustainable organizations, the context that precipitate (aanzetten) the 4 motivations and their interactions need more investigation.

What is the purpose of the research of Bansal?

To develop a robust model of the motives for corporate ecological responsiveness. To this end, Bansal collected data from multiple sources (interviews, observations, documents etc.)

The data analysis of Bansal suggested three basic motivations for ecological responsiveness. Which three and explain the first:

Competitiveness, legitimation and ecological responsibility. Competitiveness is the potential for ecological responsiveness to improve long-term profitability. Firms motivated by competitiveness actively innovated ecologically benign (gunstige) processes and products to enhance their market positions.

The data analysis of Bansal suggested three basic motivations for ecological responsiveness. Which three and explain the second:

Competitiveness, legitimacy and social responsibility. Legitimacy is the desire of a firm to improve the appropriateness of its actions within an established set of regulations, norms, values or beliefs. The data suggested that legitimation was directed toward complying (voldoen) with institutional norms. Firms motivated by legitimation were focused on stakeholders most influential in prescribing or articulating legitimacy concerns. (Firms exhibited mimetic isomorphism in complying with norms and pressures and were motivated to comply in order to establish their legitimacy and to avoid sanctions)

The data analysis of Bansal suggested three basic motivations for ecological responsiveness. Which three and explain the third:

Competitiveness, legitimacy and social responsibility. Social responsibility is a motivation that stems from the concern that a firms has for its social obligations and values. It is the concern for the social good. Firms acted out of a sense of obligation, responsibility, or philanthropy rather than out of self-interest. Firms motivated by ecological responsibility often pointed to a single individual who had championed their ecological responses. 

Describe the first contextual dimensions that influence the motivation of firms according to Bansal?

Issue salience (field cohesion and individual concern), is the first context. It is the extent to which a specific ecological issue has meaning for organizational constituents. Issue's salience is determined by: certainty, transparency and emotivity:
-Certainty: the degree to which the impact of the issue on the natural environment can be measured
-Transparent issues: are those that are easily attributable to a polluting firm
-Emotive issues: those that elicit an emotional response from organizational constituents. 

Bansals propistion regarding issue salience is: issue salience will be positively associated with legitimation and competitiveness. Why?

Respondents indicated that salient issues were also viewed as having a potentially significant impact on firm profitability because government agencies were more likely to impose fines or penalties on activities, and customers were more likely to be aware of negative ecological effects and less supportive of firm activities. Issue salience resulted initiatives motivated by competitiveness. 

Describe the second contextual dimensions that influence the motivation of firms according to Bansal?

Field cohesion (competitiveness and individual concern). This is the intensity and density of (in)formal network ties between constituents in an organizational field. Fields are built around a network. The intensity of the relationships is facilitated by proximity and through the interconnectedness of constituents in the field. The data revealed that field cohesion influenced firms' motivations. 

Describe the third contextual dimensions that influence the motivation of firms according to Bansal?

Individual concern (competitiveness and field cohesion). The concern of the natural environment is the degree to which organizational members value the environment and the degree of discretion they possess to act on their environmental values.

Bansals proposition regarding individual concern is: Individual concern will be positively associated with ecological responsibility and legitimation. Why?

Individual concern for the environment on the parts of organizational members or owners led to the motivation of ecological responsibility. Individual concern also led to a legitimation motivation if the concerns of the individual were congruent with those of constituents within society.

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