Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-ideation by champions

4 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-ideation by champions

Championship is the third element at the coideation level of Bossinks model. According to his research the champions can perform various behavioral styles to stimulate the creation and diffusin of innovative ideas. The champion of sustainable and eco-innovation...

1 Knows how to promote new ideas and how to get others involved (many people can be infected with his ideas/stories/visions etc.)
2 Has a large network of contacts and uses that for information, knowledge, news, updates.
3 Focuses on the development of ideas for sustainable product/services/processes.
> It's the third important individual in the co-ideation process.

Overall can be said that sustainable innovations always start with an idea. Ideas that need to be co-developed with other (= co-ideation). Summarize Bossinks opinion about the roles.

The 3 roels are the core of co-ideation. Can be 1 person but also 100. You need the roles. Champion = the one who comes up with tthe real ivnention, a lot of times technical skills are needed.

Name examples of the 3 roles in the co-ideation level of Bossink?

-Champions: innovated the vaccuum cleaner without a bag
-Entrepreneur: the one who came up with the bodyshop
-Leader: boss of Unilever
But: people need each other to be innovative.
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How can eco-innovative and sustainable championship fail? (5) (Bossink)

1 Too much goals at the same time (development of too much goals)
2 Too idealistic (no realistic idea)
3 Impatience (he wants to go faster than the environment)
4 Diffierent principles (champion has different vision on the reach/scope of the ideas)
5 Fear of losing control/ownership (doesn't trust partners/others and remains on her own)

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