Articles MSI - Oliver: Strategic responses to institutional processes

5 important questions on Articles MSI - Oliver: Strategic responses to institutional processes

What is the purpose of the article of Oliver?

To identify the different strategic responses that organizations enact (bepalen) as a result of the institutional pressures toward conformity that are exerted (uitgeoefend) on them and to develop a preliminary (inleidend) conceptual framework for predicting the occurrence of the alternative strategies. 

Which method is used by Oliver in this research?

Olvier applies the convergent (overeenstemmende) insights of institutional and resource dependence theories to demonstrate how organizational behavior may very from passive conformity to active resistance in response to institutional pressures, depending on the nature and context of the pressures themselves. 

Describe the strategy acquiescence with the tactics habit, imitate and comply? (Oliver)

Acquiescence can take three forms:
-Habit = unconscious or blind adherence (naleven) to preconscious or taken-for-granted rules or values
-Imitation = (un)conscious mimicry of institutional models (= mimetic isomorphism, f.e. accepting advice consultant)
-Compliance = conscious obedience (gehoorzaamheid) to or incorporation (opname) of values, norms, or institutional requirements.
> Acquiescence depends on the organizations conscious intent to conform, its degree of awareness of institutional processes and its expectations that conformity will be self-serving org. interests.
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What did Oliver tried with the article?

The article has sought to demonstrate how institutional and resource dependence theories together identity a range of startegic and tactical responses to the isntitutional environment and the factors that predict the occurrence of these alternative strategies. The article has proposed that organizations do not invariably conform to the rules, muths, or expectations of their institutional environment.

On what are organizational responses to institutional pressure toward conformity depend on? (5) (Oliver)

-Why these pressures are being exerted (this is the cause)
-Who is exerting them (which constituents)
-What these pressures are (content)
-How and by what means they are exerted (control: legal/voluntary)
-Where they occur (context, f.e. environmental uncertainty)

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