Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-institutionalization by knowledge and technology

10 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-institutionalization by knowledge and technology

The 2nd category of factors at the co-institutionalization level of Bossinks model is 'knowledge and technology'. They are often perceived as a main source of innovation. Why?

Knowledge and technology can enable inventions, new designs, production processes and marketing activities. Technological development can push customers into new directions. It's an ongoing process in modern society. Via R&D consortia technology and knowledge can be bundled. These transfer processes give firms the opportunity to develop future markets and to contribute to large-scale delivery of new sustainable technologies. 

How is ongoing knowledge productions and technological development connects to eco-innovation and sustainability? (Bossink)

Knowledge and technology can stimulate organizations at the co-innovations level to grow their eco- and sustainably innovative businesses toward mass production and consumption. 

A nation needs multiple knowledge bases to structure and nurture innovation processes. Via networks knowledge can be accessable. Knowledge networks (of universities, research institutes, knowledge-intensive-firms) have an immense innovative potential. What is, according to Bossink, an innovative organization?

It shares and exchanges information with the outside world. It gathers information about whats happening and let the world know what is happening with and within the firm. This enables other firms to decide if they would like to cooperate with the firms. 
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Technological progress can be a soyrce for firms innovative activity and can push customers to buy new products/services. Innovative firms that have the capability to absorb new technological knowledge from their environment and apply this to improve and renew their products and services can offer new alternatives to the outside world. Which concept enables companies to innovate? (Bossink)

The concept of combination and recombination? This means that companies connect and assemble existing and new knowledge and technology and, by doing so, realize a continuous stream of innovative products and services. A company's capability to (re)combine knowledge and technology can contribute to the innovative strength. A lot of firms are only (re)combing to develop new businesses.

Some innovative firms apply socalled business-led learning practices and routines to learn from their innovation projects and capture knowledge for the long run. What is important in this process? (Bossink)

It's important that the project-led learning processes are embedded within the wider business organization and strategic context of the firm. Its important not only to develop new knowledge in a co-innovative practice but also to integrate into the firm and to try make it part of the firm's standardized business processes and commercial activities.

Why can the visualization and codification of knowledge support companies in capturing knowledge and technology and can add to their technological capabilities. (Bossink)

Because knowledge is often tacit and intangible. By capturing it in design, drawings or texts knowledge becomes formalized.

A specific technology that is frequently used to create sustainable product designs is the sustainable-design tool. The sustainable design is often based on life-cycle analysis. Why should innovative commercial firms apply sustainable-design tools according to Bossink?

It enables them to choose and evaluatre sustainable materials, energy options and design alternatives. 

What are the ISO 14000 norm series? (Bossink)

It provides organizational guidelines to integrate sustainability into product-design processes and to develop products with reduced environmental impact, lower greenhouse gas emissions, fewer ozone-depleting substances and reduced smog potential. It provides guidelines to improve a product's sustainable performance during its life cycle. 

Bossinks research indicates that knowledge and technology can be powerful dynamic forces and drivers behind the institutionalization of sustainable innovation in industry. What can knowledge and technology do more?

Knowledge flow and technological drive can put pressure on and provide incentives for firms to generate substantive sustainable business. 

Knowledge and technology are the second element at the co-instutionalization level of Bossinks model. The research shows that knowledge exchange and technology development can enable firms to adopt a sustainable technology leadership strategy and become sustainable innovations. How?

By (re)combining already available technologies with new sustainable technologies, firms can conquer the market and can outperform competitors. Highly innovative firms can rely on their capacity to absorb and apply the latest knowledge and to facilitate and stimulate their workforce to interact with experts and people from other departments/orgnaizations/ industries. This can add to firms' capacity to integrate eco- and sustainable knowledge and technology into their designs for new products and model for new businesses.
> Knowledge and technology are important institutional factors that enable sustainably innovating firms to grow large, conquer the market and change industry. 

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