Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-institutionalization by policy and regulation

12 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-institutionalization by policy and regulation

The third category of factors at the co-institutionalization level of Bossinks model is 'policy and regulation'. What are policy and regulation capable of?

They can support and stimulate a nationa's transformation fron an unsustainable into a sustainable version of industry and society. A nation's policy and regulatory framework can show in what direction the nation should develop. National policy and regulation thus can direct the future development of a nation. 

In a cooperative process, the nation's policy and regulation can be translated into activities that have to be undertaken by both public and private organizations. What can policy and regulation stimulate according to Bossink?

They can stimulate and force organizations to grow their eco- and sustainablyu innovative businesses toward mass production and consumption. 

How can a nationa's transformation toward sustainability be defined acccording to Bossink?

As the coherent and coordinated set of governmental, industrial and societal contributions to a "process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs".
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The state of the environment can be directed to a significant degree by a system of national policy planning. Where are policy strategies used for according to Bossink?

Policy strategies are used to direct governmental activities toward sustainability. Representatitives of the government, national institutions, research centers and commercial firms strategically review the nationa's sustainability policies of the past on the level of policy strategies. The insights of this review can be used to develop a new national sustainability startegy for the future.

The process of environmental innovation can be initiated and controlled by institutional organizations. How? (Bossink)

Because ecological problems are often caused by individualism and self-interest., a nation may need national policy to protect common interests such as the state of the environment, life conditions and social relations.

What is the need of action programs? (Bossink)

They can be used to develop initiatives that fit with the chosen policy strategies.  National action programs can be defined and selected by top governmental, institutional, scientific and firm representatives. 

Of what can a national action program consist of? (Bossink)

Of several technology programs, and they can include a set of environmental objectives. Policy pressure to preserve or change the environment has to be translated into action programs.

Legislation can also be a key element of regulatory assurance. Describe the basic concept regarding governments that can restrict f.e. companies. (Bossink)

Governments can establish codes of conduct and levels of performance and that the nation's authorities and private organizations have to work within the boundaries of these rules.

Regulation often tends to rely mainly on coercion and often does not stimulate sponaneous sustainable behavior by actors in the field. In what does this results?

That spontaneous sutainable behavior often comes from other sources, like companies or individuals. Performance-based regulation that stimulates organizations can challenge firms to develop their own innovative solutions and approaches.

What does the research of Bossink indicates?

That both government and industry have a prominent position and function in effective national innovation policy and regulation.

Both national and corporate innovation policies have to support industry in institutionalization innovation. What does this mean?

That industrial development is directed by governmental and corporate policy. The nation's governmental organizations develop national innovation policies, and this can lead to research, invention, development and adoption of new technology. Governmental policy has the potential to set an R&D agenda for science and business.

Policy and regulation are the third element at the co-institutionalization level of Bossinks model. The research shows that policy and regulation can be necessary to start and ensure the sustainable innovation process in industry. How?

Policy can be needed to provide a general level of innovative ambition for the country and to allocate public resources to national innovation programs and initiatives. Succesful policy can be policy in which authorities, universities, nongovernmentali organisations and commercial industry cooperate. When companies stick to traditional practices, regulation can be needed to ensure that a certain minimum level of eco- and sustainable innovation becomes standardized and obligatory. 

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