Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-innovation in PPP's

6 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-innovation in PPP's

The fourth category of organizational forms at the co-innovation level of Bossink is the category of PPP's. What does this organizational form do?

It enables commercial, governmental and nongovermental organizations to co-innovate and work on substantive new practices. Its distinctive characteristic of a sustainability innovative PPP is its primary focus on creating a new practice that has ecological, social and societal quality.It searches for a new way to create a new sustianable modus (co)-operandi (werkwijze/samenwerking).

According to Bossink the PPP is an org. form that is used to experiment and demonstrate and thus to show how the new sustainbly innovative practice of the future can look. What happens with organizations that join these PPP?

They become elading innovators of industry and are often supported by natonal policy, funding programs and regulation. Other, not joining sustainable PPP, can learn from them. The eco-innovative and sustainable PPP is a multipartner public-private alliance that aims to develop proactice that shows industry how and in what direction to innovate.

When is a PPP often used according to Bossink?

When a nation wants to create an industry-wide breakthrough innovation program. To develop a program important people of different (non)governmental organizations join force. The goal of the PPP is to create a new standard that can become the industry's next practice.
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The government can be seen as a major force behind the formation of PPP's. In what way? (Bossink)

It can use 
1 Policy plans (to define the nation's sustainability goals), 
2 Regulation (to provide incentives that direct and stumlate innovative activity in sustainable PPPs)
3 Incentives (like financial incentives and obstacles or funding and subsidies to trigger sustainable innovations)
>to stimulate PPPs and to develop new sustainable practices. 

According to Bossink the PPPs can develop, create and demonstrate a 'next practice' for industry. How?

The exchange of knowledge among the actors can facilitate the development of knew knowledge and industry's nex practice. To produce the building blocks for next practice, the PPP can be organized as a R&D consortium (tijdelijke samenwerking).
> Next practice has the potential to change the playing field on which organizations have to compete. This implies that the firm is not an entity that is isolated, but it is part of the business environment and has to serve stakeholders.

The PPP is the 4th element at the co-innovation level of Bossinks model. The research shows that the sustainably innovative PPP creates and demonstrates industry's next practice. How?

-A cadre (kader) of governmental policy plans, regulations, financial incentives enable actors to team up in R&D consortia and demonstration projects
2 In these org. settings, organizations join forces to create next practice for the nations industry.
> The eco- and sustainably innovative PPP is an important org. form that structure co-innovative activity.

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